
  • Project Alamos
    Commodity Primary: Silver
    Secondary: Gold, Copper, Lead, Zinc
    Location Southern Sonora
    Nearest City 8 km west of city of Alamos
    Nearest Major Mining Projects 45 km northwest of Pan American's Alamo Dorado silver mine
    15 km south of Cobre Del Mayo's Piedras Verdes copper mine

    42,317 m drill program complete (Phase I & II)

    Commenced an ongoing underground mine rehabilitation program

    Next steps to complete a maiden initial resource estimate by end of 2024

    Geology Epithermal vein system
    Land Package 37,928 has
    Exploration Highlights

    Hole AL 17-007
    8.25 m of 1,760 g/t Ag, 1.6% Cu, 1.5% Pb, and 2.6% Zn incl. 2.2 m of 5,098 g/t Ag, 2.76% Cu, 0.5% Pb, and 1.18% Zn

    Hole AL 24-117
    36.65 m of 328 g/t AgEq, 152 g/t Ag, 0.29 g/t Au, 0.48% Cu, 1.09% Pb, 2.21% Zn incl. 3.85 m of 1,022 g/t AgEq, 409 g/t Ag, 0.82 g/t Au, 1.82% Cu, 2.82% Pb, 8.48% Zn

    Hole AL 17-004
    20.15 m of 154 g/t Ag, 0.5% Cu, 2.3% Pb, 6.8% Zn

    Hole AL24-107
    5.60 m of 368 g/t AqEq, 200 g/t Ag, 0.48 g/t Au, 0.35% Cu, 1.46% Pb, 1.64% Zn

    Hole AL24-111
    3.00 m of 4,173 g/t AgEq, 3,152 g/t Ag, 3.78 gt Au, 1.11% Cu, 9.02% Pb, 10.62% Zn incl. 1.55 m of 7,780 g/t AgEq, 6,020 g/t Ag, 7.17 g/t Au, 1.84% Cu, 16.28% Pb, 16.36% Zn
    which includes 0.50 m of 13,955 g/t AgEq

    Hole AL 20-042
    3.50 m of 404 g/t Ag, 0.54% Cu, 1.30% Pb, 1.81% Zn incl. 1.15 m of 999 g/t Ag, 1.29% Cu, 2.98% Pb, 2.98% Zn

    Hole AL 20-046
    5.10 m of 769 g/t Ag, 0.76% Cu incl. 3.10 m of 1,197 g/t Ag, 1.04% Cu  

    Hole AL 20-047
    6.35 m of 356 g/t Ag, 0.39% Cu, 0.42% Pb, 0.57% Zn incl. 0.70 m of 2090 g/t Ag, 1.98% Cu, 2.51% Pb, 2.43% Zn 

    Hole AL21-099
    9.90 m @ 609 g/t Ag; incl. 0.90 m @ 1,145 g/t Ag, 0.50 m @ 2,260 g/t Ag, and 0.50 m @ 2,360 g/t Ag

    Access & Infrastructure Paved and gravel roads, mining labour force, power and water.  Permitted through to construction allowing surface exploration and mining production activities.
    Project Interest 100% Owned


    The 100% owned Alamos silver project has a unique advantage as the only recent permitted silver discovery in Mexico with recently being granted by the Mexican Federal Environmental Authority ("SEMARNAT") an Environmental Impact Statement ("MIA”) for the development allowing for surface exploration and mining production activities, including the construction of drill pads, clean-up of preexisting roads, and the rehabilitation and reactivation of historical underground mine workings.  Alamos hosts excellent infrastructure with the central area (Quintera-Promontorio vein zones) permitted from exploration through to production. The project lies 8 km west of the city of Alamos, 45km northwest of Pan American's Alamo Dorado silver mine, and 15 km south of Cobre Del Mayo's Piedras Verdes copper mine. The project is 37,928 hectares. 

    It contains a wide, high-grade epithermal vein system hosted by Cretaceous limestone, Laramide batholithic intrusive rocks and Tertiary volcanic rocks. The system produced approximately 200 Moz of silver from the time of the first Spanish discovery around 1682 to the 1910-1920 Mexican Revolution from three separate mines. Historical reports indicate mine widths of up to 20m grading in excess of 2,000 g/t silver and 3-4% copper.  In the latter part of the 19th century, silver production from the district supported a mint in the nearby town of Alamos.  Mining activities diminished just before and during the 1910-1920 Mexican Revolution, with the Zambona mine shutting down by 1925.  Various operators attempted to revive the mines during the 20th century, but with only minor production, mostly from the re-working of mine dumps (see 43-101 Technical Report titled Alamos Project - June 8, 2021 on SEDAR). 

    Minaurum acquired historical data including mine maps, sections and assay results of 40 holes (6,099 m) drilled in multiple surface and underground exploration campaigns that occurred from the 1960s through the early 1980s.  The exploration programs were focused on the historic Promontorio and Minas Nuevas underground mines that closed in 1898 and 1912, respectively.  The majority of these historical holes cut broad widths of high-grade silver, the best include: Hole U-3 that cut 4.6 m grading 2,838 g/t silver and Hole U-5 that cut 11.3 m of 785 g/t silver.  The drill results indicate that the historically mined deposits included multiple veins that continue both down plunge and along-strike.  At Promontorio, drill holes intersected mineralization over 50 m below the historic mining level and indicate an aggregate 735 m strike length of mineralization. (please see News Release February 6, 2020).

    Minaurum has drilled 103 diamond core holes totaling 42,317 m on 19 of the 26 vein zones discovered at the Alamos silver project from 2017 - 2022.  Based on the total drilling to date at Alamos, the average silver grade is 315 g/t silver (Ag) and 492 g/t silver equivalent (AgEq) with an average width of 1.96 m (Weight-averaged silver-equivalent grades are based on May 1, 2024, metal prices: Ag $26.90/oz, Au $2,303.00/oz, Cu $4.52/lb, Pb $1.09/lb, Zn $1.43/lb.).

    Minaurum has completed preliminary mettalurgical results at the Europa and Promontorio vein zones which returned Silver recoveries ranged from 83.5% to 94.3% and Gold recoveries ranged from 68.9% to 96.5% (please see News Release April 9, 2024).

    Next steps are to continue de-risking Alamos towards a tier one silver asset with a maiden resource estimate with the engagement of Independent Mining Consultants Inc.("IMC").

    Project terms include cash and share payments including i) CDN $2,600,0000 in cash ii) 6,000,000 Minaurum shares and iii) minimum CDN $3,000,000 in exploration expenditures.  Minaurum has fully satisfied all obligations of its option agreement and has vested 100% ownership, and made a final payment of CDN $300,000 cash and 443,628 shares (please see Minaurum news release dated August 31, 2022). 


  • Opportunity

    The Alamos silver project located in Sonora, Mexico presents a unique opportunity in that it is a discovery that is permitted for production and currently working on a maiden resource estimate.

    The project has an Environmental Impact Statement ("MIA”) permit granted by the Mexican Federal Environmental Authority ("SEMARNAT"). The permit allows for surface exploration and mining production activities, including the construction of drill pads, clean-up of preexisting roads, and the rehabilitation and reactivation of historical underground mine workings.  Please see news release dated June, 26, 2023.

    • Long Term Validity: Alamos’ mining permit was granted on December 13, 2013 and is valid for a period of 30 years starting on the date of the notice of commencement of Minaurum’s exploration activities to SEMARNAT, the National Commission for Protection of Natural Areas (CONANP), and the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA), which occurred on October 18, 2016.
    • Phased Exploration, Exploitation and Production Activities:  The permit consists of two phases.  Phase 1, originally scheduled for 5 years and extended until August 10, 2025, includes surface exploration, the reactivation of historical mines, the temporary storage of mineralized material and equipment outside of mine entrances, and the transportation of mineralized material to a stockpile area.  Phase 2 will consist of a mine production plan to be developed and submitted to SEMARNAT before the end of the extended Phase 1 period.  Minaurum controls 15 mining concessions covering the core 5,976 hectares and an additional 31,952 hectares that lie to the west and south of the core area. 
    • Standard Use Requirements:  A small portion of Alamos project lies inside the Sierra de Alamos-Río Cuchujaqui Flora and Fauna Protection Area (“ANPFF”), which is administered by CONANP.  The SEMARNAT mining permit applies within the area, with certain additional conditions and restrictions.  Mineralized material may be mined but only stockpiled temporarily on land within the ANPFF and then must be processed outside of the ANPFF boundaries.  Non-temporary equipment maintenance, service, and supply facilities must also be located outside of the ANPFF boundaries. 
    • Environmental Studies:  Plant and animal species must be monitored.  Minaurum has submitted reports on monitoring of flora and fauna in compliance with the requirements of the protected area.  Minaurum has conducted baseline studies on bat populations in relation to exploration activities concluding that there should be no material impact from future mining activities, see here for video -

    Geology & History

    Upper Jurassic–lower Cretaceous limestone is the oldest known lithologic unit in the Alamos district.  A late Cretaceous batholithic complex composed of granodiorite, granite, aplite, and dacite porphyry intrudes the limestone, subjecting it to extensive recrystallization and skarn-hornfels alteration.  A several hundred metre-thick sequence of Tertiary andesitic lavas and coarse agglomerates overlies the limestone-granodiorite basement package.  Bedded pyroclastic rocks overlie the lava/coarse agglomerate group.  These are andesitic in the lower part and their upper part is composed of a thick rhyolite ignimbrite.

    Intermediate to felsic dikes cut the basement and volcanic rocks. 

    North-northeast/south-southwest faults and fractures dominate the structural grain of the Alamos district.  The NNE/SSE faults bound a series of horsts and grabens, form striking topographic linears have hundreds of metres of stratigraphic seperation, and form the host structures for most of the known precious metal-bearing vein zones.  These faults form the primary structural control of all of the significant past producing mines.  Northwest/southeast-trending faults, which appear to be related to older regional structures (and older than the NNE-SSW faults).  Both sets of faults appear to have been periodically reactivated. 

    Cobre del Mayo’s Piedras Verdes porphyry copper mine lies about 16 km to the NNE of the central part of the Alamos district, along the projection of the main fault trend. 

    Low-sulfidation silver and base-metal mineralization occurs in epithermal veins emplaced along the NNE-SSW striking fault zones and within fault-bounded blocks.  Multiple phases of vein emplacement and fault movement are evidenced by cross-cutting veins and breccias.  Historically mined high grade mineralization occurs in steeply plunging shoots.  Records of the La Quintera mine show that the mined shoot plunged steeply to the southwest for more than 450 m.   Its horizontal dimensions were approximately 250 m long along strike and up to 20 m thick (see news release dated February 6, 2020)

    Drill highlights from the Historical Drilling Data at the Promontorio mine include: (only silver and gold were assayed – widths are reported drill thickness)

    • 1.2 m of 5,588 g/t Ag (Hole U-1)
    • 1.2 m of 1,008 g/t Ag (Hole U -1)
    • 4.6 m of 2,838 g/t Ag (Hole U-3)
    • 4.6 m of 305 g/t Ag (Hole U-4)
    • 1.4 m of 377 g/t Ag (Hole U-4)
    • 12.2 m of 710 g/t Ag (Hole U-4)
    • 7.6 m of 747 g/t Ag (Hole U-5)
    • 11.3 m of 785 g/t Ag (Hole U-5)
    • 1 m of 2,177 g/t Ag (Hole U-12)
    • 1.2 m of 854 g/t Ag (Hole U-15)

    Drill highlights from the historical drilling data at the Minas Nuevas mine include: (only silver was assayed – widths are reported drill thickness)

    • 1.7 m of 452 g/t Ag (Hole TP-80-08)
    • 2 m of 367 g/t Ag (Hole TP-80-09)
    • 1.8 m of 839 g/t Ag (Hole TZ-80-01)


    Minaurum geologists have covered more than 75 sq km with detailed geological mapping and the geochemical database has more than 1500 rock samples.  Company geologists have identified 26 vein zones in the Alamos district; surface mapping, sampling, and vein zone identification are on-going.

    Historical data demonstrated high-grade silver in and around the old mine workings.

    The Phase I program consisted of consolidation of the district, systematic geological mapping and geochemical sampling of the land package, identification of 26 vein zones over a footprint measuring 11 km by 6 km, and a drill program totaling 18,810 m in 40 holes that has tested 19 of the vein zones.  Minaurum's strategy was to drill each of the identified vein zones with one to three long (400-600 m) holes drilled at shallow angles across the intervening blocks to maximize chances of cutting the identified zones close to perpendicularly and to maximize the chance of encountering mineralized vein zones in intervening down-dropped fault blocks.  The purpose was to prove 'district-scalability' and identify new vein zones outside of the historic area.  Thirteen of the nineteen vein zones drilled returned high-grade silver intercepts demonstrating that mineralization occurs throughout the vein system.  The Phase I program proved successful in expanding the mineralized zones and returning high grade silver intercepts. Minaurum's exploration team successfully expanded the Alamos district footprint to 11 km x 6 km or 6,600 hectares, which is only 17% of the total concession package with 83% yet to be systematically explored. 

    Phase II drilling commenced in July 2020 and drilled an additional 40 holes totaling 14,099 m, before pausing in December 2020.  The holes were drilled in systematic 75-150 m step-outs from Phase I intercepts.  The Phase II program resumed in June 2021 and completed at the end of 2021.  Minaurum has drilled 103 diamond core holes totaling 42,317 m from 2017 - 2022. An underground mine rehabilitation work program commenced to gain access to unmined areas and further identify additional target veins.

    26 Veins Mapped at the Alamos Project

    August 2016                                                        August 2022


    Exploration Highlights

    Drill Results
    Vein System Known Strike Length (m) Best Drill Intercept
    Minas Nuevas 1500 9.90 m @ 609 g/t Ag; incl. 0.90 m @ 1,145 g/t Ag, 0.50 m @ 2,260 g/t Ag, and 0.50 m @ 2,360 g/t Ag (Hole AL21-099)
    Europa-Guadalupe 2500

    6.35 m of 356 g/t Ag, 0.39% Cu, 0.42% Pb, 0.57% Zn incl. 0.70 m of 2090 g/t Ag, 1.98% Cu, 2.51% Pb, 2.43% Zn (AL20-047)

    3.50 m of 404 g/t Ag, 0.54% Cu, 1.30% Pb, 1.81% Zn incl. 1.15 m of 999 g/t Ag, 1.29% Cu, 2.98% Pb, 4.15% Zn (AL20-042)

    3.85 m @ 342 g/t Ag, 0.76% Cu, 1.03% Zn; including 0.80 m @ 1,185 g/t Ag, 2.19% Cu, 1.2% Zn (AL20-054)

    3.25 m @ 196 g/t Ag, 178 ppb Au, 0.26% Cu, 0.35% Pb, 1.10% Zn including 0.55 m @ 784 g/t Ag, 552 ppb Au, 1.05% Cu, and 2.49% Zn (AL20-050)

    Promontorio 1200

    5.1 m of 769 g/t Ag, 0.76% Cu; incl. 3.1 m of 1,197 g/t Ag, 1.04% Cu (AL20-046)

    2.9 m of 636 g/t Ag, 495 ppb Au, 1.36% Cu, 3.85% Pb, 7.18% Zn (AL20-044)

    1.75 m of 144 g/t Ag, 610 ppb Au, 4.15% Pb, 9.10% Zn (AL20-043)

    3.70 m @ 528 g/t Ag, 819 ppb Au, 0.83% Cu, 2.43% Pb, 1.47% Zn, including 1.05 m @ 1,203 g/t Ag, 2.45 g/t Au, 1.42% Cu, 5.08% Pb, 2.80% Zn (AL20-064)

    4.00 m @ 161 g/t Ag, 0.5 g/t Au, 0.24% Cu, 2.15% Pb, 5.92% Zn, including 1.00 m @ 327 g/t Ag, 0.9 g/t Au, 0.23% Cu, 2.53% Pb, 6.62% Zn (AL20-069)

    Nueva Europa 2100 1.20 m @ 542 g/t Ag, 0.28% Cu, 0.44% Pb, 0.88% Zn (AL17-007)
    Amalia 980

    1.30 m @ 1.73% Pb, 1.99% Zn (AL18-012)

    0.25 m of 113 g/t Ag, 150 ppb Au, 0.29% Cu, 2.60% Pb, and 5.74% Zn (AL19-019)

    San Jose 2500

    9.60 m @ 198 g/t Ag, 0.22% Pb, 0.88 % Zn (AL18-015)

    4.45 m @ 314 g/t Ag, 0.27% Cu, 0.19% Pb, 0.20% Zn (AL20-066)

    2.15 m @ 460 g/t Ag, 0.15% Cu, 0.47% Pb, 0.85% Zn (AL20-075)

    Tigre 1000 0.90 m @ 391 g/t Ag, 0.42% Pb, 0.29% Zn (AL18-012)
    Ana 3400 2.85 m @ 25 g/t Ag, 2.29% Pb, 10.58% Zn (AL18-011)
    Travesia 880 9.60 m @ 88 g/t Ag, 0.24% Cu, 0.37% Pb, 0.33% Zn (AL17-008)
    El Creston 1900 0.20 m @ 20 g/t Ag, 0.85% Cu (AL18-014)
    Europa Sur 1000 0.95 m @ 425 g/t Ag, 0.32% Cu, 3.17% Pb 1.31% Zn, including 0.50-m @ 719 g/t Ag, 172 ppb Au, 0.57% Cu, 5.91% Pb, and 2.37% Zn (AL19-018)
    Promontorio Sur 1300 31.70 m mineralized zone containing 0.20m interval assaying 304 g/t Ag, 352 ppb Au, 1.41% Cu, 2.5% Pb, 3.36% Zn (AL19-020)
    Azulacas 400 12.25 m averaging 122 g/t Ag, 0.21% Cu and 1.37% Zn (AL19-023)
    La Quintera 1400 0.50 m of 124 g/t Ag, 0.26% Cu (AL19-017)
    Cotera 800 7.60 m @ 155 g/t Ag incl. 2.15 m @ 451 g/t Ag (AL19-035)
    Alessandra 1100 6.60 m @ 3.89% combined Cu, Pb, and Zn (AL19-038)
    Pulpito 1000 0.20 m @ 367 g/t Ag, 6.75 g/t Au, 1.35% Cu, 0.59% Pb,  0.56% Zn (AL 19-035)

    Exploration focus has been largely refined to discover brand new vein systems outside of the historical mined areas.  Minaurum has now shifted back into these areas for high-grade silver mineralization that could have been potentially been leftover from historic production.  Minaurum completed partial mine rehabilitation work at the historic Promontorio mine which historically produced 70 Moz, was left in mineralization, and remains significantly underexplored.  Historical records indicate that the Promontorio Mine closed in 1896 and remained abandoned until the 1960s.  Material was processed from surface dumps and underground backfill, along with underground drilling and mapping at Promontorio.   The 1960s effort included the clearing of the main haulage level and access to lower levels of the Promontorio Mine and to the northernmost part of it.  Nineteen underground diamond holes were drilled during the 1960s and several of them intersected significant widths of high-grade mineralization (see Minaurum Historical Data news release dated February 6, 2020 and section above for drill results).  This mineralization was left untouched and Minaurum successfully cut extensions of it with surface drilling.

    See Promontorio Mine Vein and Drill Plan Map above for reference.  The Promontorio underground workings consist of a haulage level that measures approximately 1.2 km long, at least one lower level, 4 surface shafts (two of which are still open at the surface), 2 internal shafts, and several stopes.

    Note that the northwest-trending fault with the southwest side down-dropped with respect to northeast side cuts the Las Guijas vein.  Minaurum intersected high-grade silver mineralization 25 m below the haulage level in hole AL19-025, and about 120 m below the haulage level in hole AL19-034, both on the southwest side of the fault.  Minaurum geologists believe that the faulted Las Guijas vein likely continues in the southwest block (the Promontorio South vein zone), and potentially includes high-grade shoots.

    Below is a summary of the Minaurum drill intersections that also drilled several meters below the haulage level indicating high-grade at depth, see below drill highlights and Fiigure below:

    • 3.80 m of 415 g/t Ag, 2.68 g/t Au, 1.37% Cu, 6.20% Pb, 9.19% Zn, including 0.95 m of 1,566 g/t Ag, 6.72 g/t Au, 4.48% Cu, 9.27% Pb, 10.08% Zn (Hole AL19-025)
    • 1.10 m of 729 g/t Ag, 1.73 g/t Au, 3.05% Pb, 5.73% Zn (Hole AL19-034)
    • 5.1 m of 769 g/t Ag, 0.76% Cu; including 3.1 m of 1,197 g/t Ag, 1.38% Cu (Hole AL20-046)
    •  2.9 m of 636 g/t Ag, 1.36% Cu, 3.85% Pb, 7.18% Zn (Hole AL20-044)
    •  1.75 m of 144 g/t Ag, 4.15% Pb, 9.10% Zn (Hole AL20-043)

    Underground rehabilitation accessed 600 metres of an estimated 1.2 kilometres of workings.  This led to the discovery of several historical underground drill collars, confirming historical reports from the 1960s. Five service holes were drilled to provide air, water, and electricity to facilitate underground rehabilitation efforts. Three of the service holes intercepted the Promontorio vein at its highest levels returning high-grade base metal mineralization including 7.9% zinc, 3.6% lead, 0.34% copper and 0.48 g/t gold (Hole AL22-100) and 5.5% zinc, 3.1% lead, and 0.24% copper (Hole AL22-101), confirming the continuity of the vein zone and variability of grade and thickness along it.

    Approximately 200 tonnes of ballast and 50 tonnes of backfill have been removed from the first 300 m of the haulage level and stockpiled outside the mine entrance.  Sampling and mapping of dumps at Promontorio also revealed a boulder of massive sulfide vein assaying 3,320 g/t Ag, 54.7 g/t Au, 25% Cu, 6.5% Pb, and 1.1% Zn. The boulder, measuring roughly a meter across, is an indication of the type of grades exploited by early miners at Promontorio.  Thirty-seven samples were taken from backfill material and loose rock debris in the first 600 m of the Promontorio adit. Assays for the samples returned significant values with 58% of the samples between 100 g/t to 308 g/t silver and 64% of the samples between 0.20 g/t to 5.74 g/t gold (see Minaurum news release dated March 2, 2023).

    Access to the underground workings will allow for future potential underground drilling.

    Robust Preliminary Metallurgical Testing Results

    • Confirms high-grade silver and gold recoveries, even with low-grade material exhibiting impressive recoveries from flotation

    • Six separate composites from Europa and Promontorio vein zones were tested

    • Silver recoveries ranged from 83.5% to 94.3% for 5 of the 6 core composites

    • Gold recoveries ranged from 68.9% to 96.5% in 5 composites with detectable gold

    • Two separate independent labs conducted the tests

    See April 9, 2024 news release.

    Maiden Resource Work Program

    Next Steps...are to continue exploration work towards completing an initial 43-101 compliant Mineral Resource Estimate with the engagement of Independent Mining Consultants Inc.("IMC"), please see news release dated June 25, 2024.  Minaurum has also commenced a minimum 8,000 m infill and step-out drill program at the high-grade silver Promontorio, Promontorio Sur and Europa vein targets.  Pending further assay results and constultancy work timelines, Minaurum currently working on a maiden resource estimate.

    First Batch of Infill Drill Results at Promontorio Vein

    The most significant results include: AL24-105 that intersected 0.70 m of 2,976 g/t AgEq, AL24-107 that returned 5.60 m of 368 g/t AgEq and 2.55 m of 621 g/t AgEq and AL24-108 that returned 8.45 m of 336 g/t AgEq.


    Second Batch of Infill Drill Results at Promontorio Vein

    Exceptional intercepts including: 3.00 m of 4,173 g/t silver equivalent (“AgEq”) (AL24-111); 6.35 m of 380 g/t AgEq (AL24-110); and 5.75 m of 189 g/t AgEq. (AL24-112).   Hole AL24-111 intersected a significant high-grade sub interval returning 1.55 m of 7,780 AgEq, which includes 0.50 m of 13,995 g/t AgEq and 1.05 m of 4,839 g/t AgEq.

    Third Batch of Infill Drill Results at Promontorio Vein

    Intercepts include the significantly wide intercept of 36.65 m of 328 g/t silver equivalent (“AgEq”) including 3.85 m of 1,022 g/t AgEq (AL24-117), 4.40 m of 241 g/t AgEq including 0.90 m of 385 g/t AgEq (AL24-115), and 4.95 m of 272 g/t AgEq including 0.90 m of 513 g/t AgEq (AL24-116), and further demonstrate the high-grade continuity.

    Weight-averaged silver-equivalent grades are based on May 1, 2024 metal prices: Ag $26.90/oz, Au $2,303.00/oz, Cu $4.52/lb, Pb $1.09/lb, Zn $1.43/lb.

    Surface-access Agreements

    The Alamos project is situated on land belonging to the ejidos of La Aduana and Tetajiosa and the community of Minas Nuevas. Surface-access agreements are in place with all three along with annual rental payments to maintain the agreements. 

    Part of the Alamos project lies within the Sierra de Alamos – Río Cuchujaqui Reserve, which overlaps ejido lands. Authorization was received from the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (CONANP) to explore in the Reserve Area. The reserve area land inside the project area is categorized as an “area of sustainable exploitation of natural resources”, which is defined in the reserve area management plan as use that does not negatively affect future generations. A coordination agreement between the Protected Area authorities and SEMARNAT was established in July of 2013 and is valid for the life of the project.

    Alamos project concession and reserve boundary

    Please refer to the 43-101 Technical Report titled Alamos Project - June 8, 2021 on SEDAR

  • Europa-Guadalupe Vein Zone 

    Hole From (m) To (m) Drilled Interval (m) Estimated true width (m) Ag g/t Cu % Pb % Zn %
    AL17-007 181.10 181.60 0.50 0.40 81.1 0.92 0.1 0.18
    273.30 274.50 1.20 0.95 541.5 0.28 0.44 0.88


    273.30 274.05 0.75 0.70 807 0.34 0.63 1.3
    499.10 500.10 1.00 0.70 218 0.42 0.33 0.73


    499.10 499.80 0.70 0.50 290 0.57 0.44 0.86
    521.55 524.60 3.05 3.05 114 0.19 0.07 0.22
    534.65 542.90 8.25 8.25 1,760 1.6 1.48 2.6


    534.65 536.85 2.20 2.20 5,098 2.76 0.47 1.18


    534.65 535.75 1.10 1.10 8,400 3.71 0.37 1.22
    AL19-026 129.20 129.70 0.50 0.50 23 0.24 0.37 0.83
    240.00 241.35 1.35 1.35 169 0.18 0.25 1.04
    426.25 426.55 0.30 0.30 259 0.52 0.58 0.47
    436.45 436.75 0.30 0.30 55 0.08 0.28 3.17
    452.60 452.85 0.25 0.25 129 1.27 0.46 5.18
    464.35 465.40 1.05 1.05 134 0.31 1.25 3.89


    464.35 464.80 0.45 0.45 231 0.38 2.48 7.83
    476.85 477.65 0.80 0.80 160 0.37 1.71 3.55
    478.85 479.10 0.25 0.25 77 0.21 1.1 1.33
    515.60 517.10 1.50 1.50 50 0.08 0.3 1.68
    AL20-041 222.30 224.00 1.70 1.65 34 0.18 0.15 0.6


    223.00 224.00 1.00 0.95 42 0.24 0.19 0.83
    AL20-042 202.95 203.60 0.65 0.50 468 0.53 1.39 2.01
    226.50 227.10 0.60 0.45 192 0.38 0.59 1.18
    232.45 232.95 0.50 0.45 273 0.54 0.83 2.13
    258.80 262.30 3.50 2.70 404 0.54 1.3 1.81


    259.60 261.30 1.70 1.30 778 1 2.5 3.34

    which includes

    260.15 261.30 1.15 0.90 999 1.29 2.98 4.15
    AL20-045 363.25 363.70 0.45 0.40 20 0.04 0.16 0.26
    AL20-047 196.60 197.30 0.70 0.50 196 0.31 0.53 1.3
    295.30 296.65 1.35 0.95 32 0.08 0.25 0.64
    196.60 197.30 0.70 0.50 196 0.31 0.53 1.3
    295.30 296.65 1.35 0.95 32 0.08 0.25 0.64
    320.20 321.50 1.30 0.90 576 0.77 0.29 1.26
    330.85 342.20 11.35 8.05 221 0.29 0.28 0.44


    331.80 338.15 6.35 4.50 356 0.39 0.42 0.57

    which includes

    331.80 332.50 0.70 0.50 2090 1.98 2.51 2.43
    AL20-049A 190.70 191.45 0.75 0.65 116 0.38 0.13 0.34
    233.45 235.00 1.55 1.35 221 0.69 0.82 1.86
    262.80 263.15 0.35 0.30 233 0.37 0.24 1.4
    278.10 279.80 1.70 1.50 96 0.26 1.52 2.73
    AL20-050 333.10 333.60 0.50 0.40 337 0.6 0.99 1.33
    556.05 559.30 3.25 3.15 196 0.26 0.35 1.1


    558.75 559.30 0.55 0.50 784 1.05 0.78 2.49
    AL20-051 214.95 216.80 1.85 1.75 91 0.29 0.25 0.69


    214.95 215.40 0.45 0.40 142 0.6 0.43 1.25
    227.70 235.40 7.70 7.00 97 0.17 0.13 0.34


    227.70 231.80 4.10 3.70 147 0.26 0.16 0.44

    which includes

    230.35 231.80 1.45 1.30 245 0.32 0.32 0.32
    AL20-052 295.60 295.95 0.35 0.20 77 0.38 0.02 0.02
    306.90 307.30 0.40 0.25 106 0.36 0.02 0.03
    AL20-053 136.65 146.20 9.55 4.75 92 0.13 0.22 0.53


    139.50 143.35 3.85 1.90 165 0.2 0.32 1.01
    AL20-054 88.10 91.95 3.85 3.60 342 0.76 0.3 1.03


    90.30 91.10 0.80 0.60 1185 2.19 0.33 1.2
    128.95 129.80 0.85 0.65 80 0.16 0.04 0.06
    141.50 142.60 1.10 0.85 61 0.17 0.16 0.41
    AL20-055 352.00 352.30 0.30 0.30 1475 0.33 3.64 9.55
    488.40 509.60 21.20 21.20 35 0.14 0.11 0.43


    495.25 496.15 0.90 0.90 136 0.27 0.07 0.18


    507.70 508.65 0.95 0.95 105 0.27 0.25 1.15


    509.15 509.60 0.45 0.45 53 0.19 0.36 0.69
    AL20-056 213.40 218.10 4.70 ND 75 0.19 0.11 0.21


    213.40 213.80 0.40 ND 286 1.07 0.27 0.58


    217.05 218.10 1.05 ND 136 0.33 0.18 0.51
    236.35 237.00 0.65 ND 46 0.17 0.45 0.31
    AL21-080 370.7 382.7 12.00 ND 28 0.139 0.114 0.465
    398.45 400.05 1.60 ND 174 1.301 0.031 0.115
    398.45 399.2 0.75 ND 297 1.875 0.025 0.099
    AL21-082 271.20 271.90 0.70 ND 19.35 0.030 0.100 0.606
    291.40 292.05 0.65 ND 22.4 0.020 0.071 0.168
    AL21-083 419.00 424.05 5.05 ND 106 0.090 0.243 0.459


    421.15 422.75 1.60 ND 247 0.161 0.577 0.694

    which includes

    421.50 421.95 0.45 ND 589 0.293 1.765 1.240
    427.05 429.30 2.25 ND 228 0.174 0.533 1.280


    427.05 428.30 1.25 ND 353 0.223 0.732 1.497

    which includes

    427.80 428.30 0.50 ND 754 0.403 1.585 2.800
    432.20 432.50 0.30 ND 20 0.036 0.626 1.645
    AL21-084 320.50 322.05 1.55 ND 139 0.133 0.103 0.174


    321.80 322.05 0.25 ND 777 0.549 0.584 0.770
    329.55 331.20 1.65 ND 240 0.404 0.506 0.628


    330.00 330.60 0.60 ND 547 0.723 1.240 1.300
    AL21-086 444.00 450.40 6.40 ND 147 0.126 0.313 0.639


    444.00 444.95 0.95 ND 435 0.433 1.445 3.640


    449.70 450.40 0.70 ND 513 0.259 0.171 0.330
    472.75 474.25 1.50 ND 2 0.003 0.002 0.013
    AL21-087 115.50 132.65 17.15 ND 35 0.065 0.086 0.185


    127.60 130.45 2.85 ND 91 0.237 0.348 0.467

    which includes

    129.80 130.45 0.65 ND 283 0.789 1.165 1.526
    AL21-088 234.65 256.50 21.85 ND 62 0.144 0.191 0.430


    243.40 256.50 13.10 ND 88 0.208 0.273 0.567

    which includes

    248.25 255.60 7.35 ND 107 0.275 0.374 0.630

    which includes

    252.25 255.60 3.35 ND 132 0.343 0.310 0.795

    which includes

    255.20 255.60 0.40 ND 304 0.563 1.435 2.150


    Europa-Guadalupe Zone Drill-hole Collar Data

    Hole Elevation WGS84 UTM zone 12N Depth (m) Azimuth Inclination
    Easting Northing
    AL17-003 626.89 695033.43 2990077.56 488.60 270 -45
    AL17-007 795.32 695261.33 2990902.61 573.40 280 -45
    AL19-026 713.00 695144.66 2990657.57 561.20 270 -40
    AL20-041 784.10 694862.50 2990953.06 279.95 315 -45
    AL20-042 784.07 694862.80 2990952.79 312.60 315 -72
    AL20-045 815.82 694980.44 2991164.98 462.90 240 -72
    AL20-047 784.13 694863.17 2990950.08 369.00 216 -76
    AL20-049A 784.12 694862.93 2990950.31 320.25 255 -69
    AL20-050 795.13 695262.11 2990902.42 590.30 285 -54
    AL20-051 784.11 694862.94 2990951.03 280.60 269 -54
    AL20-052 795.10 695262.31 2990902.29 657.25 280 -65
    AL20-053 713.62 694691.34 2990627.95 179.95 340 -50
    AL20-054 713.59 694689.48 2990625.89 198.25 270 -50
    AL20-055 742.80 695195.73 2990782.71 524.60 295 -45
    AL20-056 713.62 694689.69 2990625.89 253.15 270 -85
    AL21-080 816 694980 2991165 433.10 302 -80
    AL21-082 816 694980 2991165 326.35 290 -55
    AL21-083 816 694980 2991165 503.25 355 -71
    AL21-084 816 694980 2991165 420.90 327 -45
    AL21-086 772 694880 2990851 514.00 200 -75
    AL21-087 733 694742 2990826 221.10 296 -60
    AL21-088 733 694742 2990826 305.00 106 -86


    Promontorio Vein Zone

    Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Estimated true width (m) Ag g/t Cu % Pb % Zn%
    AL17-004 81.90 102.05 20.15 18.90 154 0.5 2.3 6.8


    84.10 85.70 1.60 1.50 236 0.5 11.8 20
    AL17-005 124.00 132.50 8.50 6.05 81 0.14 3.23 2.72


    126.05 128.80 2.75 1.95 127 0.15 8.91 5.26
    135.35 138.50 3.15 2.20 322 0.47 1.65 3.29


    135.35 136.35 1.00 0.70 557 0.65 0.77 2.17
    AL17-006 94.05 110.80 16.75 12.90 12 0.13 0.04 0.05


    94.40 100.65 6.25 4.80 12 0.26 0.01 0.05
    AL19-021 3.05 9.60 6.55 4.65 91 0.12 0.16 0.16
    AL19-023 0.00 12.25 12.25 6.10 122 0.21 0.21 1.42


    0.00 7.85 7.85 3.90 141 0.29 0.31 1.82
    20.15 21.35 1.20 ND 74 0.19 0.2 0.36
    90.80 91.00 0.20 ND 5 1.25 1.34 0.77
    124.80 125.95 1.15 ND 66 0.22 0.45 0.45
    170.25 170.80 0.55 ND 46 0.05 0.31 0.92
    AL19-025 443.80 451.55 7.75 5.95 20 0.13 0.62 2.18


    448.90 450.05 1.15 0.89 39 0.48 0.84 5.78
    463.25 474.10 10.85 8.35 154 0.52 2.68 4.42


    463.85 467.65 3.80 2.90 415 1.37 6.2 9.19


    463.85 464.80 0.95 0.73 1566 4.48 9.27 10.08
    AL19-032 199.25 199.55 0.30 ND 64 0.05 1.59 5.14
    AL19-034 234.15 235.25 1.10 1.00 729 0.13 3.05 5.73
    235.25 241.15 5.90 5.30 16 0.07 0.31 1.35
    AL20-043 196.50 198.25 1.75 1.25 144 0.206 4.147 9.101


    197.50 198.25 0.75 0.55 212 0.276 8.54 15.85
    198.25 200.95 2.70 1.90


    200.95 204.35 3.40 2.40 40 0.093 0.665 1.469
    AL20-044 274.50 282.10 7.60 5.40 266 0.567 1.599 3.174


    275.50 278.40 2.90 2.05 636 1.363 3.849 7.178

    which includes

    277.50 278.40 0.90 0.65 1675 4.15 8.47 11.35
    AL20-046 119.60 120.25 0.65 0.55 502 1.815 0.205 0.095
    142.50 144.40 1.90 1.55 65 0.123 0.529 1.469
    153.75 155.05 1.30 1.05 80 0.489 0.028 0.037
    156.60 157.30 0.70 0.50 115 0.315 0.214 0.129
    176.90 182.00 5.10 4.20 769 0.76 0.04 0.072


    178.90 182.00 3.10 2.55 1197 1.038 0.041 0.091
    185.00 189.10 4.10 3.35 37 0.162 0.339 0.855
    AL20-048 256.60 262.60 6.00 3.85 54 0.077 0.254 0.394
    298.50 300.50 2.00 1.30 83 0.058 0.362 1.077
    AL20-058 141.20 142.85 1.65 0.80 97 0.66 0.01 0.1
    AL20-060 176.30 176.80 0.50 0.30 115 0.29 0.02 0.03
    AL20-062 158.85 161.00 2.15 1.70 23 0.07 0.32 0.86
    AL20-064 292.80 296.50 3.70 2.40 528 0.83 2.43 1.47


    293.65 295.85 2.20 1.40 756 1.05 3.29 1.86

    which includes

    293.65 294.70 1.05 0.65 1203 1.42 5.08 2.8
    AL20-065 253.25 254.45 1.20 0.70 12 0.04 0.2 0.13
    AL20-067 115.50 115.90 0.40   59 0.4 0.06 0.77
    AL20-069 82.35 98.60 16.25 8.10 69 0.1 0.81 3.36


    90.20 94.20 4.00 2.00 161 0.24 2.15 5.92

    which includes

    92.20 93.20 1.00 0.50 327 0.23 2.53 6.62
    142.20 149.15 6.95 3.50 74 0.57 0.79 1.63


    146.40 149.15 2.75 1.40 110 0.96 1.7 3.61

    which includes

    148.00 148.45 0.45 0.20 403 4.38 8.2 9.66
    AL20-070 101.45 104.20 2.75 1.20 12 0.01 0.51 2.57
    130.55 130.95 0.40 0.15 3 0.02 0.03 0.03
    172.45 174.30 1.85 0.85 90 0.18 1.24 0.9
    AL20-072 173.00 173.60 0.60 0.40 58 0.47 0.06 0.03
    AL20-074 190.35 192.45 2.10 1.30 49 0.18 0.01 0.03
    AL20-076 184.25 184.90 0.65 0.40 27 0.14 0.1 0.12

    Assay highlights to date, Promontorio infill drilling, 2024.

    Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Ag g/t Au g/t Cu % Pb % Zn % AgEq g/t Vein
    AL24-105 153.00 154.25 1.25 151 0.03 0.91 1.55 0.63 309 West Vein
    153.00 153.80 0.80 189 0.04 1.26 1.86 0.85 401
    183.35 184.05 0.70 2431 0.26 1.29 7.41 6.06 2976
    AL24-106 167.70 168.80 1.10 48 0.00 0.06 0.96 1.42 127
    AL24-107 134.80 135.00 0.20 130 0.77 0.50 2.22 8.18 576 Veta Grande/
    Veta del 100
    136.10 136.55 0.45 103 0.98 0.29 2.50 3.61 400
    141.90 142.95 1.05 196 0.37 0.47 0.15 1.86 342
    142.50 142.95 0.45 362 0.05 0.78 0.03 0.09 453
    160.20 165.80 5.60 200 0.48 0.35 1.46 1.64 368
    160.95 161.45 0.50 259 0.32 0.50 0.10 0.36 354
    163.25 165.80 2.55 350 0.78 0.52 3.06 2.19 621
    which includes
    164.35 165.80 1.45 545 1.08 0.70 5.25 2.92 940
    which includes
    164.35 165.00 0.65 735 1.48 1.11 7.06 3.02 1256
    AL24-108 119.35 120.00 0.65 16 0.75 0.10 0.07 6.62 313
    119.75 120.00 0.25 36 1.69 0.15 0.12 13.45 647
    144.25 145.00 0.75 216 1.81 0.39 3.54 4.52 651
    175.80 176.35 0.55 643 1.38 1.43 0.26 0.21 925
    183.45 191.90 8.45 78 0.37 0.24 2.64 4.07 336
    186.30 188.05 1.75 211 0.61 0.53 7.36 10.89 865
    which includes
    186.60 187.25 0.65 388 0.83 0.67 13.39 21.49 1580
    AL24-109 no significant values

    Weight-averaged silver-equivalent grades are based on May 1, 2024, metal prices: Ag $26.90/oz, Au $2,303.00/oz, Cu $4.52/lb, Pb $1.09/lb, Zn $1.43/lb.

    Promontorio Zone Drill-hole Collar Data

    Hole Elevation WGS84 UTM zone 12N Depth (m) Azimuth Inclination
    Easting Northing
    AL17-004 656.63 695115.59 2990124.71 117.40 125 -35
    AL17-005 656.62 695115.04 2990125.07 227.20 125 -70
    AL17-006 677.09 695246.76 2990466.18 503.25 105 -40
    AL19-021 703.72 695261.85 2990085.01 149.45 120 -40
    AL19-023 703.73 695261.62 2990085.17 356.85 120 -60
    AL19-025 796.73 695472.14 2989747.79 576.45 270 -40
    AL19-032 550.34 694896.90 2989734.37 553.85 75 -65
    AL19-034 550.34 694897.22 2989734.49 305.00 75 -35
    AL20-043 646.61 695078.76 2990200.14 209.80 125 -55
    AL20-044 646.59 695078.66 2990200.24 372.10 125 -65
    AL20-046 657.44 695130.39 2990269.61 298.90 125 -50
    AL20-048 657.44 695130.29 2990269.69 365.85 125 -68
    AL20-058 657.54 695130.64 2990270.55 274.50 90 -45
    AL20-060 657.48 695130.46 2990270.55 295.85 90 -60
    AL20-062 626.91 695038.48 2990077.95 271.45 110 -45
    AL20-064 626.90 695038.24 2990078.06 396.50 110 -70
    AL20-065 626.04 695037.30 2990078.48 497.15 110 -80
    AL20-067 616.58 695073.56 2989994.85 359.90 105 -60
    AL20-069 599.42 695051.40 2989851.89 237.90 100 -65
    AL20-070 599.41 695051.44 2989852.98 292.80 60 -60
    AL20-072 677.71 695198.02 2990416.97 362.95 150 -65
    AL20-074 677.77 695198.30 2990416.59 356.85 150 -50
    AL20-076 677.66 695200.99 2990418.79 301.95 110 -50


    San Jose Vein Zone

    Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Estimated true width (m) Ag g/t Cu % Pb % Zn%
    AL18-013 12.2 13.7 1.5 ND <1   0.01 0.01
    295.35 296.65 1.3 ND 16 0.08 0.33 0.42
    AL19-015 53.25 66.5 13.25 ND 82 0.08 0.21 0.21


    57.75 62 4.25 ND 146 0.16 0.52 0.56


    59.15 60.05 0.9 ND 302 0.21 0.49 0.78


    61.5 62 0.5 ND 171 0.36 1.76 1.01
    127.6 137.2 9.6 ND 198 0.17 0.22 0.88


    129.1 131.15 2.05 ND 274 0.26 0.28 2.6


    129.1 129.95 0.85 ND 398 0.24 0.27 1.73


    133.2 136.2 3 ND 224 0.22 0.24 0.36
    180.15 182.15 2 ND 109 0.12 0.08 0.13
    192.9 196.7 3.8 ND 140 0.1 0.99 1.12


    193.65 195.7 2.05 ND 181 0.14 1.64 1.57
    AL18-016 164.35 165 0.65 ND 3 0 0.07 0.18
    166.85 175.6 8.75 ND 22 0.03 0.16 0.31
    180.5 181.7 1.2 ND 19 0.1 0.42 1.16
    AL19-029 130.65 143.45 12.8 ND 37 0.04 0.21 0.4


    130.65 133.75 3.1 ND 48 0.06 0.34 0.87
    AL19-031 338.65 345.7 7.05 ND 65 0.12 0.2 0.53


    342.65 344.25 1.6 ND 132 0.21 0.32 0.8
    363.45 363.85 0.4 ND 150 0.02 0.03 0.22
    366.5 368.2 1.7 ND 206 0.05 0.08 0.14


    366.5 367.4 0.9 ND 337 0.08 0.11 0.16
    373.2 375.9 2.7 ND 142 0.04 0.16 0.27


    374.3 375.2 0.9 ND 307 0.08 0.23 0.37
    377.15 377.5 0.35 ND 112 0.05 0.7 0.88
    381.8 383.1 1.3 ND 97 0.08 1.67 2.95
    386.45 387.5 1.05 ND 65 0.13 0.39 0.41
    AL21-089 98.00 108.70 10.70 ND 50 0.03 0.06 0.14
    99.45 101.05 1.60 ND 124 0.09 0.19 0.48
    AL21-091 40.25 61.95 21.70 ND 93 0.1 0.19 0.24
    46.05 53.65 7.60 ND 135 0.18 0.38 0.38
    which includes
    48.80 53.65 4.85 ND 159 0.22 0.44 0.41
    AL21-092A 131.50 138.85 7.35 ND 184 0.22 0.21 0.27
    131.90 135.95 4.05 ND 289 0.38 0.34 0.43
    which includes
    133.65 134.70 1.05 ND 746 0.99 0.92 0.93
    AL21-092 130.90 136.45 5.55 ND 148 0.15 0.2 0.49
    130.90 134.65 3.75 ND 196 0.17 0.15 0.35
    which includes
    132.70 133.40 0.70 ND 321 0.23 0.13 0.79

    San Jose Zone Drill-hole Collar Data

    Hole Elevation WGS84 UTM zone 12N Depth (m) Azimuth Inclination
    Easting Northing
    AL18-013 502.72 693261.43 2990400.33 500.20 320 -40
    AL18-015 620.93 693825.07 2991780.08 596.55 285 -40
    AL18-016 478.61 693060.53 2989999.82 335.50 285 -45
    AL19-029 466.80 692728.12 2989802.00 253.15 315 -60
    AL19-031 546.32 693231.45 2990965.86 550.50 150 -45
    AL20-057 437.18 692865.62 2989775.22 279.10 320 -60
    AL20-059 437.30 692865.88 2989775.00 335.50 320 -75
    AL20-061 478.29 693061.86 2990000.70 350.75 285 -60
    AL20-063 478.29 693062.39 2990000.56 445.30 285 -85
    AL20-066 502.40 693263.60 2990399.72 408.70 320 -70
    AL20-068 503.00 693261.00 2990400.00 344.65 350 -60
    AL20-071 502.66 693262.66 2990398.65 309.35 290 -75
    AL20-073 620.96 693825.21 2991777.36 234.85 242 -45
    AL20-075 620.97 693825.47 2991778.33 411.75 285 -60
    AL21-089 620.69 693826.76 2991778.51 412.4 285 -70
    AL21-091 620.71 693826.95 2991778.96 396.5 347.9 -56.3
    AL21-092 657.58 693551.48 2991369.89 343.8 300 -40
    AL21-092A 657.56 693551.22 2991369.80 142.5 301.9 -41.5


    Travesia - La Quintera Vein Zones

    Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Estimated true width (m) Ag g/t Cu % Pb % Zn%
    AL17-008 201.30 201.65 0.35 0.25 185 1.05 2.37 1.44
    229.20 238.80 9.60 6.80 88 0.24 0.37 0.33


    229.75 232.40 2.65 1.90 147 0.25 0.21 0.28
    343.85 349.40 5.55 4.00 18 0.12 0.09 0.15
    AL18-017 111.25 117.25 6.00 3.00 58 0.16 0.11 0.1


    115.95 116.45 0.50 0.25 124 0.26 0.1 0.25
    155.85 156.90 1.05 0.50 118 0.19 0.01 0.04


    155.85 156.05 0.20 0.10 365 0.75 0.01 0.03
    280.35 280.60 0.25 0.15 116 0.5 0.03 0.05
    303.75 305.85 2.10 1.05 55 0.16 0.06 0.03


    303.75 304.10 0.35 0.20 103 0.28 0.09 0.03
    329.30 330.50 1.20 0.60 67 0.14 0.29 0.3


    329.30 329.80 0.50 0.25 110 0.18 0.14 0.29
    393.60 395.35 1.75 0.85 84 0.13 0.03 0.1


    395.00 395.35 0.35 0.20 105 0.27 0.06 0.15
    AL20-077 274.50 278.90 4.40 2.50 210 0.59 1.28 1.3


    276.10 278.90 2.80 1.60 265 0.73 1.73 1.57

    which includes

    276.10 277.00 0.90 0.50 355 1.02 4.65 3.24


    277.80 278.90 1.10 0.60 323 0.82 0.38 0.58
    AL20-078 371.05 374.25 3.20 1.10 133 0.58 0.37 0.25


    371.05 371.65 0.60 0.20 125 0.44 0.43 0.4


    372.50 373.90 1.40 0.50 224 0.93 0.42 0.12

    which includes

    372.50 373.10 0.60 0.20 331 1.68 0.37 0.03
    460.55 461.55 1.00 0.35 81 0.26 0.06 0.02
    672.90 673.50 0.60 0.30 79 0.11 1.71 0.93
    AL20-079 280.95 288.45 7.50 4.80 69 0.29 0.07 0.17


    285.45 287.20 1.75 1.10 84 0.29 0.11 0.4


    287.55 288.45 0.90 0.60 148 0.43 0.02 0.01

    Travesia - La Quintera Zone Drill-hole Collar Data

    Hole Elevation WGS84 UTM zone 12N Depth (m) Azimuth Inclination
    Easting Northing
    AL17-008 795.59 695265.45 2990902.01 350.75 100 -45
    AL19-017 739.99 695570.74 2991325.43 405.65 160 -50
    AL20-077 795.33 695265.67 2990900.49 454.45 105 -57
    AL20-078 819.71 695300.90 2991054.41 733.50 110 -70
    AL20-079 743.09 695198.81 2990783.63 381.25 105 -50


    Amalia - Tigre Vein Zones

    Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Estimated width (m) Ag g/t Cu % Pb % Zn%
    AL18-011 394.10 396.95 2.85 ND 25 <.01 2.29 10.58


    395.20 396.95 1.75 ND 40 <.01 3.57 16.54
    419.15 422.10 2.95 ND 3 <.01 0.38 1.72


    421.00 422.10 1.10 ND 7 <.01 0.74 3.23
    455.95 457.05 1.10 ND 5 <.01 0.22 1.71
    467.35 467.60 0.25 ND 4 <.01 0.30 1.84
    519.65 520.05 0.40 ND 7 <.01 0.21 1.19
    533.40 535.50 2.10 ND 3 <.01 0.14 1.14
    548.80 549.50 0.70 ND 3 <.01 0.10 1.57
    551.45 551.80 0.35 ND 3 <.01 0.12 1.16
    569.50 570.50 1.00 ND 2 <.01 0.21 1.19
    578.05 579.35 1.30 ND 4 <.01 0.14 1.21
    AL18-012 123.15 125.30 2.15 1.85 1 0.01 0.08 0.64
    179.15 179.90 0.75 0.65 2   0.74 2.67
    203.75 204.65 0.90 0.80 391 0.11 0.42 0.29
    212.90 213.40 0.50 0.40 7 0.01 0.10 2.18
    466.45 467.75 1.30 1.15 7 0.01 1.73 1.99
    696.15 698.80 2.65 2.30 17 <.01 0.79 1.18


    697.60 698.45 0.85 0.75 41 <.01 1.60 2.35
    AL19-019 69.50 71.05 1.55 ND 2 0.13 0.22 1.62
    264.80 266.95 2.15 ND 4 0.04 0.84 1.49
    337.40 337.65 0.25 ND 7 0.00 1.05 2.80
    347.35 347.65 0.30 ND 4 0.00 0.73 2.21
    367.20 368.00 0.80 ND 6 0.00 0.79 1.85
    376.35 376.85 0.50 ND 5 0.00 0.78 2.45
    489.80 490.25 0.45 ND 29 0.00 1.01 2.08
    512.25 512.50 0.25 ND 33 0.11 0.29 1.91
    539.45 539.60 0.15 ND 30 0.04 0.09 1.23
    582.30 583.50 1.20 ND 50 0.16 0.48 0.80
    650.10 650.50 0.40 ND 16 0.05 1.11 2.84
    654.10 654.35 0.25 ND 113 0.29 2.60 5.74
    AL19-022 349.25 349.55 0.30 ND 6 0.00 0.47 1.66
    435.70 436.15 0.45 ND 7 0.00 0.08 2.28

    Amalia-Tigre Zone Drill-hole Collar Data

    Hole Elevation WGS84 UTM zone 12N Depth (m) Azi-muth Inclin-ation Target
    Easting Northing
    AL18-011 970.11 696361.91 2989990.51 624.80 110 -40 Ana
    AL18-012 980.91 696242.46 2990140.66 707.60 270 -40 Tigre-Amalia
    AL19-019 965.33 695895.94 2990188.69 696.90 280 -60 Amalia
    AL19-022 951.24 695920.01 2989966.74 521.55 155 -40 Tigre


    Minas Nuevas, Pulpito, La Dura, Cotera and Las Animas Vein Zones

    Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Estimated True Width (m) Ag g/t Cu % Pb % Zn%
    AL17-001 71.95 89.60 17.65 15.90 95.9 0.03 0.02 0.07


    71.95 73.50 1.55 1.40 155 0.04 0.05 0.09
    77.00 78.00 1.00 0.90 150 0.05 0.03 0.16
    80.45 81.45 1.00 0.90 279 0.07 0.1 0.32
    84.45 85.75 1.30 1.15 172 0.05 0.02 0.04
    86.55 89.60 3.05 2.75 110.1 0.05 0.02 0.04
    AL17-002 76.25 89.30 13.05 11.75 53.7 0.01 0.02 0.05


    85.40 86.90 1.50 1.35 181 0.02 0.03 0.08
    155.55 159.00 3.45 3.10 68.1 0.04 0.04 0.09


    158.55 159.00 0.45 0.40 156.3 0.1 0.16 0.24
    AL18-009 126.90 128.55 1.65 1.40 21 0.19 <.01 0.02
    378.50 401.05 22.55 19.15 25 0.03 <.01 0.05


    383.45 391.90 8.45 7.20 31 0.02 <.01 0.05


    386.75 387.35 0.60 0.50 57 0.03 0.01 0.06


    390.90 391.90 1.00 0.85 57 0.02 <.01 0.06

    no significant values

    AL19-035 124.50 126.20 1.70 ND 30 0.06 0.05 0.03
    136.75 144.30 7.55 ND 43 0.03 0.05 0.14
    154.50 154.70 0.20 ND 98 0.72 0.56 0.16
    159.60 159.80 0.20 ND 367 1.35 0.59 0.562
    179.50 191.20 11.70 ND 22 0.01 0.02 0.05
    213.45 228.25 14.80 ND 48 0.02 0.04 0.13


    216.30 217.15 0.85 ND 294 0.23 0.38 1.41
    255.35 258.20 2.85 ND 52 0.08 0.39 0.11
    297.40 301.95 4.55 ND 23 0.02 0.16 0.12
    392.10 399.70 7.60 ND 155 0.1 0.51 0.44


    395.15 399.15 4.00 ND 278 0.16 0.79 0.7


    397.00 399.15 2.15 ND 470 0.2 0.71 0.96
    AL19-036 395.50 397.45 1.95 ND 56 0.11 0.13 0.02


    395.50 396.00 0.50 ND 160 0.25 0.25 0.01
    AL19-037 353.50 354.55 1.05 ND 245 0.74 0.37 0.66


    354.00 354.55 0.55 ND 451 1.27 0.53 1.09
    AL21-094 146.35 155.50 9.15 ND 101 0.12 0.13 0.46
    151.65 154.60 2.95 ND 232 0.16 0.27 1.15
    which includes
    151.65 152.70 1.05 ND 411 0.22 0.36 2.66
    219.25 220.20 0.95 ND 763 2.14 0.24 0.25
    219.90 220.20 0.30 ND 2310 6.52 0.12 0.37
    AL21-095 206.00 206.25 0.25 ND 18 0.53 0.03 0.2
    264.75 265.90 1.15 ND 25 0 0.05 0.08
    316.60 317.05 0.45 ND 12 0 1.33 0.12
    AL21-096 190.70 193.10 2.40 ND 115 0.14 0.28 0.49
    192.65 193.10 0.45 ND 399 0.53 0.93 1.69
    269.60 271.10 1.50 ND 106 0.18 2.31 0.69
    270.50 271.10 0.60 ND 212 0.39 4.32 0.90
    AL21-099 185.60 196.50 9.90 ND 609 0.18 0.27 0.47
    187.15 188.05 0.90 ND 1145 0.12 1.23 2.48
    189.10 195.50 6.40 ND 753 0.23 0.2 0.27
    which includes
    192.20 192.70 0.50 ND 2260 0.24 0.47 0.54
    195.00 195.50 0.50 ND 2360 0.2 0.3 0.54

    Minas Nuevas, Pulpito, La Dura, Cotera and Las Animas Zone Drill-hole Collar Data

    Hole Elevation WGS84 UTM zone 12N Depth (m) Azi-muth Inclin-ation Target
    Easting Northing
    AL17-001 518.38 697420.77 2994096.56 268.40 90 -60 Minas Nuevas
    AL17-002 531.21 697444.00 2993938.04 240.95 90 -60 Minas Nuevas
    AL18-009 540.89 697142.21 2993981.56 484.95 90 -45 Minas Nuevas
    AL18-010 540.87 697138.50 2993981.55 823.50 270 -40 Púlpito
    AL19-035 736.99 696390.38 2993461.83 472.75 110 -40 Púlpito
    AL19-036 807.59 696295.74 2993618.84 515.45 285 -40 La Dura
    AL19-037 535.23 697442.76 2991918.86 497.15 80 -40 Las Animas
    AL21-094 674.53 696795.04 2993264.37 271.1 264 -48 Cotera
    AL21-095 674.52 696795.26 2993264.3954 425.25 262.3 -62.1 Cotera
    AL21-096 658.20 696856.57 2993356.58 403.8 290 -40 Cotera
    AL21-099 499.97 697294.65 2994294.92 249.8 55 -45 Minas Nuevas


    Alessandra Vein Zone

    Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Estimated true width (m) Ag g/t Cu % Pb % Zn%
    AL19-038 80.65 81.30 0.65 0.20 2 1.7 0.18 0.42
    98.00 99.10 1.10 0.35 12 0.06 1.81 4.22
    99.10 99.80 0.70 0.25 1 0.95 0.11 0.31
    154.85 155.40 0.55 0.20 9 0.01 0.68 2.58
    368.50 375.10 6.60 2.40 9 1.94 0.46 1.49


    369.05 373.25 4.20 1.55 12 2.58 0.63 2.17
    399.55 402.50 2.95 1.10 12 0.87 0.04 0.02
    419.85 432.95 13.10 4.85 3 0.34 0.01 0.02


    427.00 429.60 2.60 0.95 8 0.74 0.01 0.03
    AL19-039 175.85 188.30 12.45 11.80 4 0.91 0.5 1.17


    181.40 188.30 6.90 6.55 6 1.22 0.24 0.68

    which includes

    182.35 186.50 4.15 3.75 7 1.55 0.27 0.68


    182.35 183.00 0.65 0.62 21 5.58 0.63 0.93
    AL19-040 196.60 199.65 3.05 2.60 2 0.38 0.02 0.05


    196.60 197.55 0.95 0.80 3 0.62 0.04 0.08

    which includes

    196.60 197.10 0.50 0.45 3 0.61 0.04 0.06
    AL21-085 274.80 275.90 1.10 ND 6 0.03 1.19 7.63
    284.40 285.30 0.90 ND 57 0.06 1.04 3.03
    287.80 288.10 0.30 ND 10 0.03 4.16 5.77
    314.65 315.70 1.05 ND 7 0.02 0.40 1.22
    318.40 318.80 0.40 ND 8 0.03 1.40 4.51
    321.00 322.15 1.15 ND 20 0.03 0.69 2.87
    325.30 325.90 0.60 ND 10 0.02 0.74 2.39
    326.85 330.70 3.85 ND 57 0.02 0.79 2.07
    625.25 636.30 11.05 ND 120 1.12 0.37 1.79


    625.25 633.25 8.00 ND 150 1.40 0.37 2.37

    which includes

    625.25 630.70 5.45 ND 183 1.65 0.26 2.49

    Alessandra Zone Drill-hole Collar Data

    Hole Elevation WGS84 UTM zone 12N Depth (m) Azimuth Inclination
    Easting Northing
    AL19-038 1157.42 697148.48 2988441.99 549.60 75 -45
    AL19-039 1293.07 697591.76 2988688.16 372.10 300 -40
    AL19-040 1231.61 697843.16 2988938.98 309.50 295 -40
    AL21-085 1209 697599 2988151 756.40 293 -71


    Europa Sur Vein Zone

    Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Estimated true width (m) Ag g/t Cu % Pb % Zn%
    AL19-018 95.45 97.75 2.30 1.90 41 0.15 0.12 0.21
    308.15 309.10 0.95 0.90 425 0.32 3.17 1.31


    308.60 309.10 0.50 0.50 719 0.57 5.91 2.37
    433.10 441.40 8.30 7.90 68 0.11 0.58 1.58


    433.10 436.90 3.80 3.60 33 0.07 0.64 1.55


    437.55 439.60 2.05 1.95 88 0.13 0.81 2.31


    440.70 441.40 0.70 0.65 237 0.21 0.3 2
    AL19-027 398.00 398.30 0.30 0.25 282 0.31 0.3 1.59
    461.20 461.55 0.35 0.30 194 0.69 0.06 0.12
    468.70 468.90 0.20 0.20 44 0.29 0.55 0.3
    471.90 472.10 0.20 0.20 160 0.95 0.07 0.31
    484.10 484.70 0.60 0.50 6 0.01 0.56 1.69

    Europa Sur Zone Drill-hole Collar Data

    Hole Elevation WGS84 UTM zone 12N Depth (m) Azimuth Inclination
    Easting Northing
    AL19-018 655.76 694417.92 2990145.09 501.00 290 -40
    AL19-027 580.83 694371.55 2989573.68 568.00 280 -40


    Promontorio Sur Vein Zone

    Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Estimated true width (m) Ag g/t Cu % Pb % Zn%
    AL19-020 226.00 226.30 0.30 0.25 7 0 0.01 0.01
    234.65 266.35 31.70 24.50 7 0.05 0.73 1.85


    234.65 235.70 1.05 0.80 146 0.93 0.53 0.81

    which includes

    234.65 234.85 0.20 0.15 304 1.41 2.5 3.36


    237.15 238.70 1.55 1.20 4 0.01 0.55 1.03

    which includes

    237.15 237.60 0.45 0.35 4 0 0.04 0.02


    242.30 245.60 3.30 2.50 2 0 0.81 2.33


    247.50 251.40 3.90 3.00 3 0 1.9 4.99


    256.25 257.75 1.50 1.15 2 0 0.88 1.88


    260.05 264.90 4.85 3.75 3 0 1.05 3.21
    273.00 273.60 0.60 ND 9 0 0.36 2.36
    282.20 282.60 0.40 ND 5 0 0.42 2.37
    286.50 286.85 0.35 ND 26 0.03 1.23 2.47
    391.95 392.25 0.30 ND 2 0 0.84 2.79
    397.75 398.45 0.70 ND 4 0.02 1.2 3.54
    400.30 401.00 0.70 ND 3.41 0.01 1.16 2.85
    403.00 403.50 0.50 ND 3.67 0 0.75 2.57
    411.75 412.05 0.30 ND 9 0 0.28 2.5
    AL19-024 150.65 150.85 0.20 ND 5 0.01 3.98 1.73

    Promontorio Sur Zone Drill-hole Collar Data

    Hole Elevation WGS84 UTM zone 12N Depth (m) Azimuth Inclination
    Easting Northing
    AL19-020 544.59 694849.94 2989703.43 481.90 135 -50
    AL19-024 481.89 694305.65 2989101.75 532.20 135 -40




    Rosario Vein Zone and North Europas

    Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Estimated true width (m) Ag g/t Cu % Pb % Zn%
    AL19-028 170.80 171.25 0.45 0.45 52 0.06 0.12 0.3
    236.85 240.95 4.10 3.90 51 0.14 0.17 0.58


    238.40 239.55 1.15 1.10 60 0.12 0.24 1.31
    364.20 367.25 3.05 2.90 55 0.04 0.07 0.12


    365.45 366.00 0.55 0.50 126 0.16 0.28 0.54
    AL19-030 427.05 436.85 9.80 ND 31 0.02 0.06 0.13
    488.15 490.10 1.95 1.85 261 0.11 0.16 0.27


    489.00 489.40 0.40 0.35 1100 0.38 0.27 0.58
    AL19-033 300.70 308.05 7.35 7.35 47 0.07 0.13 0.18
    335.15 336.65 0.50 0.50 97 0.02 >0.01 0.02
    369.35 372.15 2.80 2.80 56 0.04 0.08 0.09

    Rosario Zone Drill-hole Collar Data

    Hole Elevation WGS84 UTM zone 12N Depth (m) Azi-muth Inclin-ation Target
    Easting Northing
    AL19-028 852.52 695065.45 2991578.35 582.55 280 -40 Europa-Palomas
    AL19-030 852.61 695070.17 2991577.66 585.60 100 -40 Nueva Europa
    AL19-033 843.62 695014.17 2992707.17 454.45 240 -40 Rosario


    El Creston Vein Zone

    Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Estimated true width (m) Ag g/t Cu % Pb % Zn%
    AL18-014 96.85 97.00 0.15 0.10 1 0.02 0.01 1.00
    252.35 252.85 0.50 0.40 8 0.32 0.14 0.23
    320.35 320.55 0.20 0.15 20 0.85 <0.01 0.03
    364.05 364.30 0.25 0.20 1 <0.01 0.39 1.04
    448.00 448.35 0.35 0.25 <1 <0.01 0.17 1.45

    El Creston Zone Drill-hole Collar Data

    Hole Elevation WGS84 UTM zone 12N Depth (m) Azimuth Inclination
    Easting Northing
    AL18-014 479.06 693254.46 2986868.38 617.60 310 -40


    Ana Vein Zone

    Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Estimated True Width (m) Ag g/t Cu % Pb% Zn %
    AL21-081 484.85 486.05 11.2 ND 1.26 0.0003 0.343 2.430

    Ana Vein Zone Drill-hole Collar Data

    Hole Prospect Elevation (m) Easting Northing HoleDepth (m) Azimuth Inclination
    AL21-081 Ana 970 696362 2989991 728.95 140 -55

    Note:  Selected mineral drill intersections. ND = not determined. True thickness ranges from 60-90%.

  • General & Historic

    Europa Guadalupe Vein Zone

    Europa Sur Vein Zone

    Promontorio Vein Zone

    Promontorio Sur Vein Zone

    San José Vein Zone

    Minas Nuevas, Púlpito, La Dura, Cotera and Las Animas Vein Zones

    Travesia - La Quintera Vein Zone

    Amalia - Tigre Vein Zones

    Alessandra Vein Zone

    Rosario Vein Zone & North Europas

    El Crestón Vein Zone

  • Historic

    Drilling & Core



    Community & Environmental

  • Promontorio Mine Rehabilitation Program, Alamos Silver Project, Sonora, Mexico

    Alamos Phase II Drill Program Presentation with Steve Maynard, VP Exploration

    PDAC 2020 Core Shack with Stephen Maynard, VP Exploration, Minaurum Gold Inc.

    PDAC 2020 Core Shack with Dr. Peter Megaw, Co-founder & Director, Minaurum Gold Inc.

    Webcast on Historical Data and Exploration Update at the Alamos Silver Project

    Dr. Peter Megaw, Minaurum Gold Inc. - "Proof of Concept at the Alamos Silver Project"

    Stephen Maynard, Minaurum Gold Inc. - "More Drill Core from the Alamos Silver Project"

    Dr. Peter Megaw, Co-founder & Director of Minaurum Gold Inc. - "The Alamos Silver Project"

    Dr. Peter Megaw, Minaurum Gold Inc. - "Drill Core from the Alamos Silver Project"

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