
  • Project Aurena
    Commodity Gold
    Location Southern Oaxaca
    Nearest City 40 km southwest of major port of Salina Cruz
    90 km from city of Huatulco
    Nearest Major Mining Projects Fortuna Silver’s San Jose Mine
    Gold Resource’s El Aguila Mine
    Development Stage 7,062 m drill program completed
    Geology Skarn, VMS
    Land Package 1,035 has
    Exploration Highlights Hole AURC-11-001 - 20.50 m of 1.01 g/t Gold
    Hole AURC-11-005 - 29.05 m of 1.99 g/t Gold
    Hole AURC-11-006 - 43.50 m of 1.01 g/t Gold
    Access & Infrastructure Good via paved roads. Power lines across property. Water.
    Project Interest 100% Owned


    Other than a small lead-zinc vein prospect, there was no known mining/exploration activity in the Aurena area until David Jones recognized its gold-skarn potential and staked the ground in 2006. 

    Aurena is a new gold skarn discovery that has outlined 2 gold zones open at depth and along a strike length of 1.8 km. The two mineralized zones that remain open along strike and down-dip. The largest zone of mineralization discovered by drilling occurs along a steeply north-dipping contact between metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks. Gold mineralization remains open to the west, northwest, north, and at depth

    This contact zone shows considerable structural complexity and appears to have channeled mineralizing fluids. Minaurum geologists believe that higher grades may be encountered by following the zone down dip and along strike. Gold mineralization is believed to be associated with prograde and late prograde skarn alteration, and appears to have lithologic and structural controls. Metal zonation is reminiscent of that found around porphyry-centered skarn deposits.

    Nearby gold exploration projects include Gold Resource Corporation's El Aguila Project and Fortuna Silver's San Jose Mine. Aurena is located in the southern part of Oaxaca State covering 1,035 hectares, 40 km from the one of the largest trading ports, Salina Cruz.


  • Pyritic granitic stocks intrude Mesozoic metavolcanics and metasediments.  The intrusions produce garnet and wollastonite skarn and hornfels in the metasedimentary rocks with nearly complete recrystallization of carbonate units.  Laramide batholithic granodiorite and diorite intrude the package in the southwestern part of the project area. 

    Gold-copper mineralization appears to be concentrated along east-west trending, steeply dipping shear zones in the metamorphic units.

    Gold-skarn mineralization at Aurena is believed to be distal to the pyritic intrusions, and concentrated along shear zones at lithologic breaks.  Supergene oxidation has resulted in potential near surface enrichment of gold in certain areas.


    Minaurum has identified drilling targets through a program of geological mapping and rock and soil geochemical sampling.  The exploration team traced the prospective gold-bearing zones for more than 2.5 km along strike.  In addition, the company conducted an airborne VTEM-magnetometry study of the project.

    In 2011, the company drilled 19 core holes totaling 7,058 metres over about 2 km of the prospective zone.  Highlights of the drilling include

    Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Au (g/t)
    AURC-11-001 160.50 181.00 20.50 1.45
    AURC-11-002 39.50 47.16 7.66 1.14
    AURC-11-005 0.00 29.05 29.05 1.99
    AURC-11-006 4.40 48.00 43.50 1.01
    AURC-11-007 34.50 40.50 6.00 0.84
    AURC-11-007 125.20 149.00 23.80 0.99
    AURC-11-016 0.00 3.00 3.00 1.36
    AURC-11-016 242.50 243.97 1.47 0.70

    Please see Minaurum news releases dated March 28, June 14, and November 29, 2011.


    Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m) / ETW (m) Au (g/t)
    AURC-11-001 115.00 118.00 3.00 1.20
    143.13 148.00 4.87 0.99
    144.00 145.50 1.50 1.93
    160.50 181.00 20.50 (10.3) 1.45
    165.00 173.50 8.50 2.75
    179.50 181.00 1.50 1.20
    300.00 302.00 2.00 1.03
    AURC-11-002 39.50 47.16 7.66 1.14
    44.33 47.16 2.83 2.222
    AURC-11-005 0.00 29.05 29.05 (unknown) 1.99
    8.45 27.60 19.15 2.60
    8.45 15.89 7.44 2.21
    22.38 26.66 4.28 4.79


    Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m) / ETW (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t)
    AURC-11-006 4.50 48.00 43.50 (unknown) 1.01 2.20
    including        4.50 13.50 9.00 1.24 3.29
    and              28.50 48.00 19.50 1.64 2.41
    AURC-11-007     24.00 25.50 1.50 0.48 1,280
    34.50 40.50 6.00 0.84 1.72
    125.20 149.00 23.80 (uknown) 0.99 1.42
    including    134.00 149.00 15.00 1.33 1.41


    Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Au (g/t)
    AURC-11-011 216.30 216.80 0.50 1.19
    AURC-11-013 128.44 138.00 9.56 0.90
    128.44 129.62 1.18 1.05
    134.82 138.00 3.18 1.82
    AURC-11-014 269.15 272.00 2.85 0.97
    AURC-11-015 99.76 100.57 0.81 2.56
    AURC-11-016 0 3.00 3.00 1.36
    AURC-11-018 30.00 44.86 14.86 0.74
    30.00 34.00 4.00 1.38

    Drill Highlights Hole Data

    HoleID WGS84, Zone 15N Elevation Hole Depth (m) Az Inclination
    Easting Northing
    AURC-11-001 242733.78 1775290.96 64.38 423.95 - -90
    AURC-11-005 242510.84 1774996.90 178.22 362.95 - -90
    AURC-11-007 242524.18 1775097.14 154.87 260.80 290 -45

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